Three and Six Day Course Information


We limit our numbers to six on all residential courses so you can have as much or as little individual tuition as you like. We supply all basic materials, including on all six day courses an A4 sketch book (either with cartridge paper or 300gm watercolour paper). If you prefer to use your own materials then bring them along with you but if want to try out materials first you can try our selection.

For working on location we provide drawing boards of all sizes, portable easels and chairs/stools but if you prefer, you can bring your own. We have an 8 seater vehicle so we can all travel on location together, either for half days or full days.
We use a variety of different locations, some ideal for drawing, others for painting or photography. For everyone’s comfort we try and use locations with good access, toilet facilities and a tea room close by but often there are opportunities for working at more challenging sites. Callington is ideally placed for going to both the north and south coasts, both moors and to the Tamar Valley itself. 
When working on location you are encouraged to gather information in a sketchbook and on camera so you can continue developing your paintings back in the studio. You can download and print photos in the studio. If you don’t have a digital camera we can help out.
If you prefer to come for a three day course try to book for the first three days of a six day course. Three day courses are limited to the low season months, although we can sometimes take bookings in July and August if we have space.


Drawing and Painting Techniques.

This course combines time working in the studio and on location. We focus on the core elements of line, tone and texture in a variety of different drawing and painting media. The course includes a day working from a life model in a series of short and longer poses or a day working in the studio.
You can work in watercolours,  acrylics, oils  or pastels. Techniques in all materials are covered as well as discussion on how artists use colour in their work. There are demonstrations in mixing colour, brush work and composition.
We try and visit a different location each day in the middle part of the week, sometimes going out for half a day, sometimes for full days. This leaves more studio time towards the end of the course.


Exploring Colour

This is a course for those keen to perfect their use of colour. You can work in watercolour, acrylic, oil or pastel. There is an introductory illustrated talk on how artists use colour in their work. Learning how colours work together is fundamental to successful painting.

There are demonstrations in colour mixing, especially creating the more subtle ranges of colours, drawing in paint and working with colour gradations. The course includes instruction on how to use colour effectively whether bold and colourful or dark and moody.
We try and visit a different location each day in the middle part of the week sometimes going out for half a day, sometimes for full days. This leaves more studio time towards the end of the course.


Mixed Media

.This course starts with an introductory day of drawing in the studio using a variety of different drawing materials. We focus on the core elements of line, tone and texture. We will also spend time on the first day drawing at one of our local sites.

The next couple of days are spent concentrating on painting techniques. You can use either watercolour, acrylic or oils. Try working in pastel or ink over painted washes or experiment with acrylic or oil with charcoal or oil bars/oil pastels. I will show you the techniques I use but you can experiment and see which you prefer yourself.
The last two days can either be spent painting in the studio using the information gathered during the week or trying out some photographic silk screen printing techniques from the photographs you have taken on the course. Alternatively you can try mono printing or experimenting with creating collagraphs.
This is a week full of different but interrelating activities. A taster week that has something for everyone.